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Phishing, Smishing, Vishing, OH MY!
with Elaine Abbott
Participants should haveprevious knowledge of the basics of frauds and scams as content coversphishing, vishing, smishing, skimming, shimming, and e-pickpocketing.Participants learn to take a more alert and proactive approach whether inthe digital or real world.
Microsoft Excel Advanced
with Val Landry

You will learn how to hide data, split and freeze a window, create ranges, understand the name manager, learn additional functions, copy and paste special, sort data, and learn the power of filters. Some examples of using Microsoft Excel as a practical tool include the amortization table, 20 top functions companies want their employees to know, and pivot tables.
This is a live online class using ZOOM.
Scam-proof Your Accounts
with Elaine Abbott

Participants will learn about commonfinancial frauds including check washing and check fraud. Also coveredare critical components of keeping accounts secure including password management and freezing one’s credit.